Online Income Protection Quote

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Cover Required
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Type of Cover

Income protection provides a monthly income if you cannot work due to sickness or illness after a set deferment period. Payments are made tax free and usually continue until you recover, reach the end of the policy or die. These plans do not cover redundancy which can be covered under an accident, sickness and redundancy policy.

Annual Income  
Age Cover Ceases Help

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Age Cover Ceases

This is the age you want the cover to cease at. Note the minimum term is typically 5 years or untill aged 50 whichever is longer.

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Monthly tax free benefit required £ Help

Leave blank for maximum benefit

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Monthly tax free benefit required £

This is the monthly sum you want the policy to cover you for, please leave blank to recieve a quote for the maximum available benefit i.e. if your annual income is £24000 the maximum cover available is generally £1000 per month.

Benefit Deferment Period(s) Help

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Benefit Deferment Period(s)

In the event of a claim this is the time you must wait before receiving your monthly benefit. Note the longer the deferment period the cheaper the premium will be.

Business mileage per year Help

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Business mileage per year

Some providers of income protection charge a higher premium if you drive over typically 15000 business miles each year or will set a different incapacity definition.

Increasing Benefit Help

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Increasing Benefit

The benefit will increase by RPI (Retail price index) each year.

Your Personal Details
First Name  
Date of Birth  
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Have you smoked in the last 12 months?  

Smoking includes all tobacco products

Contact Details
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Please contact us on the following number for more information or if you have any queries - 01603 271108

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